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The SEC Amends Accredited Investor and Qualified Institutional Buyer Definitions

Client Alert

The SEC Amends Accredited Investor and Qualified Institutional Buyer Definitions (Westlaw)

Two important points to mention - persons who hold certain professional certifications but do not meet accredited investor net worth/income standards are now within the definition. These are mainly securities professionals who have their Series 7, 65, or 82.

Further, LLCs that have total assets in excess of $5 million and have not been formed for the purpose of acquiring the particular security are now qualifying entities for private placements. 

Click here to read more.

Effective December 12, 2024: Key Updates to Ohio Medicaid Rules for CPC and CMC Programs

Ohio Medicaid has amended rules for the Comprehensive Primary Care (CPC) and Comprehensive Maternal Care (CMC) programs, effective December 12, 2024. Key updates include expanded provider eligibility, stricter cultural competency training timelines, new clinical quality metrics, and changes to maternal care requirements.

Ohio Medicaid Extends Timely Filing Deadline Until 2025

The Ohio Department of Medicaid (ODM) recently announced that it is extending its timely filing deadline to February 28, 2025. According to ODM, roughly 2% of providers have contract issues preventing them from meeting the previous timely filing deadline of December 1, 2024.

Another Drug Manufacturer Pursues Rebate Program as 340B Alternative

Some of the nation’s largest drug manufacturers are forging ahead to implement rebate programs for 340B drugs, even after the federal government has called these programs illegal. While it is unclear how these federal courts will rule, this could threaten the sustainability of safety net providers and their patients.

Hurry Up, STOP. . .Has CTA Been Struck Down By Courts?

Following a recent case in Texas, uncertainty has arisen regarding whether clients should file "beneficial owners" reports. This is a result of the Federal Government enjoined from enforcing the CTA. Contact your BMD Member Blake Gerney to find out how this affects you.

DEA and HHS Issue its Third Extension of Telemedicine Flexibilities through 2025

The DEA and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) have extended telemedicine flexibilities for prescribing controlled medications through December 31, 2025. This extension builds on temporary exceptions made in 2020 due to COVID-19, allowing providers to prescribe Schedule II-V controlled substances based on a telemedicine evaluation alone. The extension ensures continued patient access to necessary prescriptions and provides time for providers to comply with future regulations.