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The DOL and EEOC Enter a Partnership to Strengthen Federal Employment Law Enforcement

Client Alert

On September 13, the U.S. Department of Labor’s (DOL) Wage and Hour Division and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) agreeing to work together in enforcing federal employment laws. The MOU forms a partnership between the two agencies to encourage coordination through information sharing, joint investigations, training, and outreach.

Most notably, the DOL’s Wage and Hour Division enforces the federal minimum wage, overtime pay, tip retention, record keeping, nursing mother provisions, and child labor requirements under the Fair Labor Standards Act. Alternatively, the EEOC enforces federal laws that prohibit employment discrimination, including (but not limited to) Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Pregnancy Discrimination Act, and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act.

In all, the MOU addresses three main topics: (1) Information Sharing, (2) Coordinated Investigations and Enforcement, and (3) Training and Outreach.

  1. Information Sharing

In short, the MOU provides that the DOL and EEOC may share any information or data that supports the other agency’s own initiative or enforcement activities. The shared information may include complaint referrals, information in complaints or investigative files relating to violations, or statistical analyses or summaries.

The MOU states that information sharing will fully comply with the Privacy Act of 1974, the Freedom of Information Act, the Federal Records Act, and any other applicable federal laws.

  1. Coordinated Investigations and Enforcement

The MOU states that when agency personnel have reason to believe that conduct may have occurred that the other agency could find unlawful, the personnel will advise the complainant that they may be able to file a complaint with the other agency. Further, personnel will provide the complainant with materials prepared by the other agency, including information on rights and remedies under laws enforced by the other agency. The personnel will also provide the other agency’s contact information. 

Additionally, in appropriate cases, the agencies will determine whether to conduct coordinated investigations of matters arising within both agencies’ jurisdictions. If a coordinated investigation is done, the two shall explore whether it is appropriate for one agency to settle its matter while the other holds its matter in abeyance.

  1. Training and Outreach

Under the MOU, where appropriate, the agencies shall provide training to each agency’s staff in identifying cases and issues that could arise under the other’s jurisdiction. Specifically, the two may engage in joint outreach or training programs. Joint training will facilitate a better understanding of the employment laws each agency enforces.

In describing the MOU’s goals, Principal Deputy Wage and Hour Division Administrator Jessica Looman stated that “[o]ur partnership with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission helps us work across federal agencies to ensure workers are treated fairly, paid fairly and do not have to fear retaliation when demanding the workplace protections that federal labor laws such as the PUMP Act require.”

Further, EEOC Chair Charlotte A. Burrows stated that “[t]his collaboration will further effective outreach and enforcement with respect to the federal laws that advance equal employment opportunity and fair pay, including the recently enacted PUMP Act and the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act, which took effect in December 2022.”

In response to the agencies’ collaboration, employers should expect increased enforcement and be aware that both agencies can bring action for violations. Consequently, it is crucial for employers to ensure their compliance with federal employment laws to avoid DOL and/or EEOC action against them.

Should you have any questions on the MOU or its implications, please contact BMD Labor & Employment Partner and Co-Chair of its Labor & Employment DivisionBryan Meek, at

S.B. 263 Protects 340B Covered Entities from Predatory Practices in Ohio

Just before the end of calendar year 2020 and at the end of its two-year legislative session, the Ohio General Assembly passed Senate Bill 263, which prohibits insurance companies and pharmacy benefit managers (“PBMs”) from imposing on 340B Covered Entities discriminatory pricing and other contract terms. This is a win for safety net providers and the people they serve, as 340B savings are crucial to their ability to provide high quality, affordable programs and services to patients.

DOL Finalizes New Rule Regarding Independent Contractor Status, But Its Future Is In Jeopardy

On January 6, 2021, the Department of Labor announced its final rule regarding independent contractor status under the Fair Labor Standards Act. As described in a prior BMD client alert, this new rule was fast-tracked by the Trump administration after its proposal in September 2020. The new rule is set to take effect on March 8, 2021, and contains several key developments related to the "economic reality" test used to determine whether an individual is an independent contractor or an employee under the FLSA.

Bankruptcy Law Changes - 2020 Recap And What To Expect In 2021

In a year of health challenges and financial distress to many individuals and businesses affected by the pandemic, the year 2020 brought some significant changes to the bankruptcy laws. Some of these changes were in place prior to the pandemic; others were a direct response to the pandemic with the goal of helping struggling businesses and individuals. Ahead, we can likely expect further changes to the Bankruptcy Code with the incoming Congress.

UPDATE - SBA Releases Rules and Guidance for Second Round PPP Funding

Late yesterday (January 6, 2021), the U.S. Small Business Administration released rules and guidance for businesses wishing to take part in the long awaited second round of Paycheck Protection Program (“PPP”) funding. As most businesses are aware, the rules governing PPP loans have been updated as part of The Economic Aid to Hard-Hit Small Businesses, Nonprofits, and Venues Act (“Act”). The Act was just one section of the massive 2021 Consolidated Appropriations Act that was passed by Congress and signed into law by the President on December 27, 2020. To combat the ongoing disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Act generally provides (a) first time PPP loans for businesses that did not obtain a loan in the first instance, (b) PPP second draw loans for businesses that already obtained a loan but need additional funding, and (c) additional funding for businesses that returned their first PPP loan or did not get the full amount for which they qualified.

UPDATE - Vaccine Policy Considerations for Employers

If you read our post from November, you’re already an informed employer. This first post of 2021 is to share good news, give a few updates, and answer some other common questions. Q: What’s the Good News? First, the EEOC confirmed that employers may require employees receive the COVID-19 vaccine. Second, polling indicates that the number of Americans who said they will receive a vaccine has increased from around 63% to over 71%. The number of Americans who are strongly opposed to a vaccine is about 27%. Third, initial returns show that the efficacy rate for certain vaccines is as high as 95% for some at-risk recipients.