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Proposed Community Revitalization Grants for Ohio Projects

Client Alert

Community Revitalization Credits May Be on the Horizon for Ohio Revitalization Projects

Ohio Senate Bill 344 is designed to offer non-refundable tax credits for individuals, corporations, or non-profits that are willing and able to invest in and build community projects in economically disadvantaged communities.  This Bill aims to incentivize the revitalization of Ohio’s communities while bolstering business in underdeveloped sectors.

Entities seeking a tax credit must apply to the director of development within specified timeframes of two review periods each fiscal year. The first begins on July 1 ending after September 13, and the second begins on January 1 and ends after March 31. If approved, the project must be completed within two years.

A project's credit allocation must be equal to or less than $5 million or 15-percent of estimated costs reported or 20-percent of costs, if the project is in an economically disadvantaged community. A credit allocation for each phase of a larger community revitalization project may be awarded a $5 million limitation applying to each phase of the project. The limit for credit allocations in a fiscal year cannot exceed $100 million, and no tax credit certificate will be issued for a project that is not completed within two years of the applicant being notified the project is eligible for tax credit.

If a certificate is issued to a pass-through entity for an investment by the entity, any taxpayer that is a direct or indirect investor in the pass-through may claim the taxpayer's proportionate or distributive share of the credit against the taxpayer's aggregate amount of tax levied. A person that is not a taxpayer cannot claim the credit, but if the person is the applicant to which the certificate is issued, the person may transfer the right to claim the credit.

A person that holds a tax credit certificate, on or before the last day of the person's taxable year or, if the person is not a taxpayer, on or before the last day of the calendar year in which the certificate is issued, may transfer the right to claim all or part of the credit to any other person. 

The Bill, sponsored by Ohio Senator Kirk Schuring, District 29, is currently in Senate Committee.

For more information about this opportunity, please contact Jason Butterworth at

President Biden Seeks to Limit Non-Compete Agreements

Today, President Biden announced he would issue an Executive Order that calls on the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to adopt rules to curtail worker non-compete agreements. Interestingly, a week ago, the FTC approved changes to its Rules of Practice to modernize and expedite the way it issues Trade Regulation Rules. If you have followed our alerts, we predicted the elimination of non-competes would probably happen. In 2016, then-Vice President Biden was a vocal opponent against non-compete agreements. He led the Obama administration’s initiative seeking to limit or eliminate non-compete agreements. In his presidential campaign, Biden promised to “work with Congress to eliminate all non-compete agreements, except the very few that are absolutely necessary to protect a narrowly defined category of trade secrets . . ..”

New NIL Opportunities for Student-Athletes Require Diligent Review

On June 28, 2021, Governor Mike DeWine signed Executive Order 2021-10D, “Establishing the Duties of Colleges and Universities as to Name, Image, and Likeness Compensation of Student-Athletes.” The Executive Order was motivated by the passage of similar name, image, and likeness (“NIL”) regulations in seventeen (17) other states; Ohio followed suit to avoid a significant competitive disadvantage in attracting student-athletes to the state.

Tax Savings Potentially on the Chopping Block under President Biden’s American Jobs Plan and American Families Plan

Recently, President Biden has proposed several tax law changes in his American Jobs Plan and American Families Plan. Outlined below, are a few of the tax savings that could be significantly changed or eliminated under Biden’s plans.

Here are the Final Candidates for Mayor of Cleveland

Earlier this year, current Cleveland Mayor, Frank Jackson, announced he would not run for re-election this fall. With no need to beat an incumbent, the Cleveland mayoral race suddenly became competitive. Thirteen individuals declared their intent to run for mayor. The City of Cleveland, however, has a difficult qualification requirement to run: 3,000 valid signatures from Cleveland residents. The deadline to file a petition to run, with the 3,000 valid signatures, had to be submitted by June 16 (yesterday).

What Happens to a Pandemic Stimulus Payment Upon Death?

On January 1, 2021, the federal government issued stimulus payments (also known as Economic Impact Payments) to American citizens – on paper. However, many of the stimulus payments were not received until several months later. Sometimes the stimulus payments did not arrive until after an individual died.