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Ohio Medicaid Extends Timely Filing Deadline Until 2025

Client Alert

The Ohio Department of Medicaid (ODM) recently announced that it is extending its timely filing deadline to February 28, 2025. According to ODM, roughly 2% of providers have contract issues preventing them from meeting the previous timely filing deadline of December 1, 2024.

Before March 1, 2025, providers need to:

  • Submit as many claims as they can now to avoid additional manual work and time required to process them after the deadline. If a data fix or system configuration is required to properly adjudicate the claim, ODM will adjust claims successfully received by the system even if the timely filing deadline has passed.
  • Review Provider Network Management (PNM) data associated with claims denied for a contract or affiliation related issue to make sure it is correct. If the PNM data is correct, but a provider received a denial indicating a contract or an affiliation issue, report these issues to ODM’s Integrated Helpdesk (IHD).

Note that even though ODM extended the timely filing requirements, claims submitted after the standard 365-day limit are still subject to post-payment review. ODM may look at evidence of system submissions issues when deciding whether to reverse payment. Evidence may include review of past IHD call logs to verify that providers attempted to troubleshoot their issue.

Providers are encouraged to reach out to the ODM IHD with questions.

If you have questions about the extended deadline and what that means for your organization, please contact Member Daphne Kackloudis at or Attorney Jordan Burdick at

Corporate Transparency Act to be Re-evaluated

Recent federal rulings have impacted the enforceability of the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA), which took effect on January 1, 2024. While reporting requirements were briefly reinstated, FinCEN has now paused enforcement and is reevaluating the CTA. Businesses are no longer required to submit reports until further guidance is issued. For updates and legal counsel, contact BMD Member Blake Gerney.

Ohio Recovery Housing Operators Beware: House Bill 58 Seeks to Make Major Changes

Ohio House Bill 58 proposes significant changes to recovery housing oversight, granting ADAMH Boards authority to inspect and investigate recovery residences. The bill also introduces a Certificate of Need (CON) program, requiring state approval for major facility changes. OMHAS will assess applications based on cost, quality, accessibility, and financial feasibility. The bill also establishes a recovery housing residence fund to support inspections. For more information, contact BMD attorneys Daphne Kackloudis or Jordan Burdick.

January 2025 Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Brings Notable Changes to HIPAA Security Rule

In January 2025, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services proposed amendments to the HIPAA Security Rule, aiming to enhance cybersecurity for covered entities (CEs) and business associates (BAs). Key changes include mandatory compliance audits, workforce training, vulnerability scans, and risk assessments. Comments on the proposed rule are due by March 7, 2025.

Corporate Transparency Act Effective Again

The federal judiciary has issued multiple rulings on the enforceability of the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA), which took effect on January 1, 2024. Previously, enforcement was halted nationwide due to litigation in Smith v. U.S. Department of the Treasury. However, on February 18th, the court lifted the stay, reinstating the CTA’s reporting requirements. Non-exempt entities now have until March 21, 2025, to comply. Businesses should act promptly to avoid civil penalties of $591 per day and potential criminal liability.

Status Update: Physician Noncompete Agreements in Ohio

Noncompete agreements remain enforceable in Ohio if they meet specific legal requirements. While the AMA and FTC have challenged these restrictions, courts continue to uphold reasonable noncompete provisions for physicians. Recent cases, like MetroHealth System v. Khandelwal, highlight how courts may modify overly restrictive agreements to balance employer interests with patient care. With ongoing legal challenges to the FTC’s proposed ban, Ohio physicians should consult a healthcare attorney before signing or challenging a noncompete agreement.