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New NIL Opportunities for Student-Athletes Require Diligent Review

Client Alert

On June 28, 2021, Governor Mike DeWine signed Executive Order 2021-10D, “Establishing the Duties of Colleges and Universities as to Name, Image, and Likeness Compensation of Student-Athletes.” The Executive Order was motivated by the passage of similar name, image, and likeness (“NIL”) regulations in seventeen (17) other states; Ohio followed suit to avoid a significant competitive disadvantage in attracting student-athletes to the state.

The Executive Order permits NIL compensation which opens a financial industry for student-athletes to leverage – but with these new opportunities comes new significant concerns. Student-athletes should be cognizant of common contract clauses that, if overlooked, could hold serious future ramifications.

Does your NIL contract contain commercially unreasonable terms?

NIL sponsorship and licensing agreements will pose unique considerations and applications as the industry continues to expand. Below are some of the potential contractual provisions that should garner special attention and legal review before signing:

  • Term of Agreement – specifies the duration of the agreement (e.g. how long the agreement will be in effect)
  • Termination Rights – details each party’s ability to terminate the agreement
  • Non-Competition – may require the student-athlete only negotiates with or partners with a specific company in a specified geographic area for a period of time (which may include a tail period that extends beyond the agreement’s term)
  • Exclusivity, Non-Solicitation, and/or Non-Circumvention – may bar the student-athlete from negotiating with a potential partner after the duration of a specific agreement
  • License Details – may allow a company permission to use a student athlete’s NIL for an indefinite period of time and an unbounded area with unfettered discretion
  • Confidentiality – may restrict the student-athlete from sharing or otherwise using any information received or provided under the agreement, which may include compensation terms
  • Severability – allows for the removal of provisions that are later deemed preempted or disallowed by statute, while the rest of the agreement remains intact
  • Force Majeure – allows for nonperformance from a party if an act of God or other event outside the control of a party precludes the performance of the contract’s terms, which could include an injury to the student-athlete.

Please contact one of the following BMD Corporate Attorneys for assistance on any NIL matters, including review of the underlying NIL agreement:

Senate Bill 39 Allows Up to $100 Million in Business Incentive Credits for Transformational Mixed-Use Development in the State of Ohio

Ohio Governor Mike DeWine signed Senate Bill 39 on December 29, 2020, which created a new tax credit applicable to insurance premium taxes. This tax credit is designed to provide funding for a transformational mixed- use development or “TMUD” in the state of Ohio.

Medicaid Announces Next Generation of Managed Care Organizations

For the first time since 2005, the Ohio Department of Medicaid (“ODM”) made significant changes to the structure of the Medicaid program by finalizing the Medicaid Managed Care Procurement process. The Procurement process began in 2019 at the behest of Governor Mike DeWine who had a goal to make Medicaid managed care more focused on the health and well-being of individuals.

BMD Appellate Win Clarifies Waiver of Contractual Right to Arbitrate

Brennan, Manna & Diamond, LLC attorneys David M. Scott, Lucas K. Palmer, and Krista D. Warren prevailed before the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit regarding if/when a party waives a contractual right to arbitrate. Borror Property Management, LLC v. Oro Karric North, LLC, No. 20-3146 (the “Decision”).

Relief for Ohio Under the Federal American Rescue Plan Act

On March 11, 2021, President Biden signed the American Rescue Plan Act (the “Act”) — a $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package — a significant portion of which will be directed to the State of Ohio to support economic recovery, as outlined below.

Cleveland Manufacturer Violated OFAC Sanctions By Allowing Shipments To Iran - Know Your Customer and Know Their Customer

UniControl, Inc., a Cleveland, Ohio manufacturer of process controls, airflow pressure switches, boiler controls and other instruments, agreed to pay the Office of Foreign Assets Control “OFAC,” the financial enforcement agency of the U.S. Treasury Department, $216,464 to settle its liabilities for violations of the Iran Sanctions Program. OFAC stated that “this enforcement action highlights the importance of identifying and assessing multiple warning signs that indicate a foreign trade partner may be re-exporting goods to a sanctioned jurisdiction.”