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New NIL Opportunities for Student-Athletes Require Diligent Review

Client Alert

On June 28, 2021, Governor Mike DeWine signed Executive Order 2021-10D, “Establishing the Duties of Colleges and Universities as to Name, Image, and Likeness Compensation of Student-Athletes.” The Executive Order was motivated by the passage of similar name, image, and likeness (“NIL”) regulations in seventeen (17) other states; Ohio followed suit to avoid a significant competitive disadvantage in attracting student-athletes to the state.

The Executive Order permits NIL compensation which opens a financial industry for student-athletes to leverage – but with these new opportunities comes new significant concerns. Student-athletes should be cognizant of common contract clauses that, if overlooked, could hold serious future ramifications.

Does your NIL contract contain commercially unreasonable terms?

NIL sponsorship and licensing agreements will pose unique considerations and applications as the industry continues to expand. Below are some of the potential contractual provisions that should garner special attention and legal review before signing:

  • Term of Agreement – specifies the duration of the agreement (e.g. how long the agreement will be in effect)
  • Termination Rights – details each party’s ability to terminate the agreement
  • Non-Competition – may require the student-athlete only negotiates with or partners with a specific company in a specified geographic area for a period of time (which may include a tail period that extends beyond the agreement’s term)
  • Exclusivity, Non-Solicitation, and/or Non-Circumvention – may bar the student-athlete from negotiating with a potential partner after the duration of a specific agreement
  • License Details – may allow a company permission to use a student athlete’s NIL for an indefinite period of time and an unbounded area with unfettered discretion
  • Confidentiality – may restrict the student-athlete from sharing or otherwise using any information received or provided under the agreement, which may include compensation terms
  • Severability – allows for the removal of provisions that are later deemed preempted or disallowed by statute, while the rest of the agreement remains intact
  • Force Majeure – allows for nonperformance from a party if an act of God or other event outside the control of a party precludes the performance of the contract’s terms, which could include an injury to the student-athlete.

Please contact one of the following BMD Corporate Attorneys for assistance on any NIL matters, including review of the underlying NIL agreement:

Is Your Bonus System Creating Wage and Hour Violations? A Hidden Impact of the Labor Shortages

As employers struggle with attracting and retaining talent, many have turned to incentives such as Signing Bonuses and Retention Bonuses. In doing so, employers may be inadvertently exposing themselves to overtime law violations. Employers with non-exempt employees know that the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) requires an overtime premium to non-exempt for work in excess of 40 hours per week. However, all too often, employers miscalculate the “regular rate” of pay, which is used for calculating the “overtime rate.” The miscalculation is becoming more prevalent in today’s market when employers fail to include supplemental compensation, such as certain Signing Bonuses and Retention Bonuses into the regular rate of pay. An example: A non-exempt employee is hired at a rate of $20 per hour, and also receives a retention bonus of $1,200 after working for 12 weeks. In her 11th week of work, employee works 50 hours. In her 14th week of work, employee works 50 hours. What is her paycheck in week 11? What is her paycheck in week 14?

No Surprises Act – Notice Requirements

On July 1, 2021, the Biden Administration passed an interim final rule: Part 1 of the “Requirements Related to Surprise Billing Act,” in an attempt to curb excessive costs patients are required to pay in relation to surprise billing. The rule is set to take affect January 1, 2022, and will only affect those who are enrolled in insurance via their employers, as federal healthcare programs already prohibit this type of billing.[1]

El Contrato Escrito: La Herramienta Predilecta

No existe mejor herramienta a una disputa contractual que un documento firmado por las partes en el cual se expongan las obligaciones y acuerdos entre éstas.

New State Budget Institutes Licensure Requirement for Ohio’s Hospitals

On July 1, 2021, Governor Mike DeWine signed Ohio’s final budget codified at Ohio Revised Code 3722.01 et seq., which includes a new licensing requirement for Ohio’s hospitals. For years, Ohio was the only state in the country that did not license its hospitals. This approach will now be replaced with new, detailed requirements that will require careful review and compliance. Here are some of the highlights concerning these new changes:

Healthcare Provisions in the Ohio FY 22-23 Budget

Governor Mike DeWine signed Ohio’s Fiscal Year 2022-2023 budget bill (HB 110) into law on July 1, 2021. At almost 1,000 pages and 74.1 billion dollars, the budget lays out the State’s spending for the next two years. Below are a few highlighted provisions from the budget that will be important for the healthcare industry in Ohio