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Monkey Pox in the Workplace + Changes to COVID...And, the New ELAH Mini-series on Hiring Has Launched


Over the last few weeks, we have witnessed unexpected growth in MonkeyPox cases across America. Clients are beginning to request information on how to develop policies for MonkeyPox and what to do when an employee is suspected or is diagnosed with MonkeyPox.

We believe that these cases will continue to grow, and the absence period, if diagnosed, is significantly longer than COVID. Therefore, clients will need to be prepared to address these lengthy absences. Today, Employment Law After Hours released a new episode covering MonkeyPox and answering many of the questions we are receiving from employers. Watch the episode below.

Now on to COVID. Yesterday, the CDC amended the rules for COVID exposure quarantine. Now, regardless of vaccination status, an employee will not need to quarantine simply because they were exposed to COVID. However, they will need to stay at home if they are diagnosed with COVID. For those exposed, it is recommended that they wear a mask for 10 days to help prevent spread to others and get tested on day 5 following exposure. We will have a future episode on this issue, but I wanted to get this information to you as soon as possible.

Finally, over the last few weeks, Employment Law After Hours released a mini-series on the hiring process. These episodes will be very helpful for new companies and existing small employers. Watch these episodes below.

1 - How to Hire: A Comprehensive Guide

2 - Ten Red Flags When Interviewing

As always, please let us know if you have any follow-up questions regarding the information presented in these ELAH episodes. Contact BMD Partner Bryan Meek at or Attorney Monica Andress at

Employment Law After Hours VIDEO - COVID Religion Exemption Requests

Showing & Analyzing Employee Vaccine Religious Accommodations What are religions exemptions and accommodations for COVID-19? What is considered a religious exemption? Are religions exemptions different from religious accommodations regarding the COVID-19 vaccine? How can employees request a religious exemption? How can employees request a religious accommodation? Can employers or companies meet with employees requesting a religious accommodation? What occurs in these meetings? What other information do people, employees, and employers need to know about COVID-19 vaccination religious accommodation / exemption requests? These questions are arising more and more because of the recent Supreme Court decisions.

Employment Law After Hours VIDEO - Talking Pay with Your Co-Workers: Rules Prohibiting Employees from Comparing Wages and Salary

Do you have policies or other rules that employees cannot talk about their pay, wages, or other benefits at work? Such policies may be illegal under the National Labor Relations Act, as regulated by the National Labor Relations Board. In this episode, we discuss concerted activity, which is protected for employees under law, and what employers can do legally to encourage a culture where employees are more comfortable discussing their pay with human resources, rather than each other. The NLRB can be very strict when analyzing handbooks and other policies that even implicitly prohibit such employee discussions on pay, wages, and salaries. It is important that you conduct routine handbook audits to ensure that such policies are not violating the law, which could lead to penalties and fines.

Employment Law After Hours VIDEO - Working Off the Clock: Laws Requiring Payment for Work Performed After Shift Ends

Do employees get paid when they work off the clock after the end of their scheduled shift? What if an employee answers emails or text messages after work? Do companies or employers have to pay employees for answering emails or text messages at home? Do employers or companies have to pay for de minimis work time? Do you have to pay exempt (salary) employees for working from home? Do you have to pay non-exempt employees for working from home? Do companies have to pay overtime for working from home? These questions are answered by the federal Fair Labor Standards Act, which requires that non-exempt employees be paid at least minimum wage (and possibly overtime) for all hours worked, regardless of where and when those hours are worked. Always remember to check specific state laws regarding employee payments in your state.