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Monkey Pox in the Workplace + Changes to COVID...And, the New ELAH Mini-series on Hiring Has Launched


Over the last few weeks, we have witnessed unexpected growth in MonkeyPox cases across America. Clients are beginning to request information on how to develop policies for MonkeyPox and what to do when an employee is suspected or is diagnosed with MonkeyPox.

We believe that these cases will continue to grow, and the absence period, if diagnosed, is significantly longer than COVID. Therefore, clients will need to be prepared to address these lengthy absences. Today, Employment Law After Hours released a new episode covering MonkeyPox and answering many of the questions we are receiving from employers. Watch the episode below.

Now on to COVID. Yesterday, the CDC amended the rules for COVID exposure quarantine. Now, regardless of vaccination status, an employee will not need to quarantine simply because they were exposed to COVID. However, they will need to stay at home if they are diagnosed with COVID. For those exposed, it is recommended that they wear a mask for 10 days to help prevent spread to others and get tested on day 5 following exposure. We will have a future episode on this issue, but I wanted to get this information to you as soon as possible.

Finally, over the last few weeks, Employment Law After Hours released a mini-series on the hiring process. These episodes will be very helpful for new companies and existing small employers. Watch these episodes below.

1 - How to Hire: A Comprehensive Guide

2 - Ten Red Flags When Interviewing

As always, please let us know if you have any follow-up questions regarding the information presented in these ELAH episodes. Contact BMD Partner Bryan Meek at or Attorney Monica Andress at

Buying or Selling a Physician Practice: Avoiding Common Pitfalls

Kate Hickner sits down with Jerry Kelsheimer, who serves as President at Medic Management Group, where he oversees the executive team, daily company orientations, and overarching business strategy. They discussed many topics like Reasons for Consolidation, a Checklist of Legal Considerations, Five Tips for buying or selling a Practice, and many more. Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel to learn more!

Healthcare Industry Business Development: Insights from a Legal and Marketing Perspective

Kate Hickner sits down with Jennifer Malcolm, who is a multi-award-winning entrepreneur who is passionate about showcasing organization’s stories through multi-creative measures. Jennifer works locally, nationally, and internationally. Some main topics in the Healthcare Marketing: Legal Considerations covered in this webinar are as follows: Federal Anti-Kickback Statute (AKS), Eliminating Kickbacks in Recovery Act of 2018 (EKRA), Free-Splitting, Licensure, and Other State Requirements, Civil Monetary Penalties (CMP) Law, and HIPAA. Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel to learn more!

Hot Topics in Physician Employment Agreements

Our very own, Kate Hickner, sits down with Ronnen Isakov, who is the Managing Director of the Healthcare Advisory Group at Medic Management Group with more than 25 years of experience in the healthcare industry. During this webinar, they discuss various topics like The Big 3, Fair Market Value, Challenges in Industry-wide Healthcare Dynamics, and many more topics. Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel to learn more!

Employment Law After Hours VIDEO: What Is Employment Law After Hours?

Recently, Brennan, Manna & Diamond Director of Marketing, Jennifer Shankleton, sat down with BMD Partner Bryan Meek to discuss the creative process and strategy around launching the YouTube video podcast series Employment Law After Hours. ELAH was created during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic to help better inform employees on the most current employment law news in an efficient but also entertaining way. The series has now grown to reach not only Brennan, Manna & Diamond employees, but has now expanded to their individual clients who might be experiencing similar issues. Don’t forget to subscribe to their YouTube Channel!

Employment Law After Hours VIDEO - Managing Difficult Employees: Performance Improvement Plans

Performance Improvement Plans are some of the best ways to improve employee performance when they are not meeting work expectations or violating company policies and employer rules. Yet, many employers utilize performance improvement plans incorrectly. Therefore, in this in-depth episode of Employment Law After Hours, we explore the best practices for performance improvement plans, as well as providing the supervisor/manager conversation demonstrations, and an ultimate demonstration of providing a performance improvement plan to an employee.