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HHS Delays Quarterly Reporting for Provider Relief Funds

Client Alert

There is good news for providers that received either (1) General Distributions from the HHS Provider Relief Funds, or (2) Targeted Distributions from the HHS Provider Relief Funds. HHS reversed its stance requiring quarterly reports for providers that received Provider Relief Funds and PPP loan monies. The initial quarterly reports would have been due by July 10, 2020. However, on June 13, 2020, HHS delayed the quarterly reporting requirement.

In its posting, HHS stated that it is still working on developing a report that will contain all of the necessary information that is required under the CARES Act in order to comply with the reporting requirements. HHS is keeping track of the providers that have attested to receipt of the funds and will notify these providers of due dates and required reports in the next few weeks.

As a reminder, all providers that received General Distributions or Targeted Distributions should adopt a policy as part of its Compliance Program to proactively demonstrate compliance with 45 C.F.R. §75.302 and 75.361-365 as well as the applicable Terms and Conditions published by HHS.

For more information, please contact Amanda L. Waesch at 330-253-9185 or

Practical Advice: COVID-19's Impact on the Construction Industry

As a member of the American Bar Association, Forum on the Construction Industry, BMD participated in a COVID-19 Construction Leadership Roundtable discussion with over 450 other construction attorneys representing nearly every voice in the industry.

Only Courts Can Decide if COVID-19 Chaos is Included Under Business Interruption Coverage

Despite paying insurance premiums for years, businesses are now being told by insurance companies and brokers that the business interruption coverage in their policy does not apply to coronavirus losses. However, the question of whether business interruption coverage extends to losses caused by the current pandemic will ultimately be answered by the courts, not insurance carriers. These legal decisions will depend upon the specific language of the policy and the facts and circumstances surrounding the claim.

Healthcare Providers: Comparison of New OIG Waivers and Flexibilities under Anti-Kickback Statute in Response to COVID-19

On March 30, 2020, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued several temporary regulatory waivers to further enable the American healthcare system to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic with more efficiency and flexibility (the “Blanket Waivers”).

How Do I Pay Employees for COVID-19 Telework?

Even as stay-at-home and isolation orders are slowly lifted, employers will continue to have employees teleworking due to the COVID-19 / coronavirus pandemic.

Main Street Lending Program Waiting for Green Light from Congress – What We Know Now

What is the Main Street Lending Program? In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Federal Reserve established the Main Street Lending Program (“MSLP”) to enhance support for small and mid-size business that were in good financial standing before the pandemic. There are two subcategories to the MSLP: the Main Street New Loan Facility (“MSNLF”), which applies to newly issued loans for a company, and the Main Street Expanded Loan Facility (“MSELF”), which applies to refinancing of existing loans of a company. The main focus of MSLP is to retain employees (at least 90% of a business’s employees as of February 1, 2020). It is also intended to alleviate slow cash flow stress on profitable businesses.