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HHS Delays Quarterly Reporting for Provider Relief Funds

Client Alert

There is good news for providers that received either (1) General Distributions from the HHS Provider Relief Funds, or (2) Targeted Distributions from the HHS Provider Relief Funds. HHS reversed its stance requiring quarterly reports for providers that received Provider Relief Funds and PPP loan monies. The initial quarterly reports would have been due by July 10, 2020. However, on June 13, 2020, HHS delayed the quarterly reporting requirement.

In its posting, HHS stated that it is still working on developing a report that will contain all of the necessary information that is required under the CARES Act in order to comply with the reporting requirements. HHS is keeping track of the providers that have attested to receipt of the funds and will notify these providers of due dates and required reports in the next few weeks.

As a reminder, all providers that received General Distributions or Targeted Distributions should adopt a policy as part of its Compliance Program to proactively demonstrate compliance with 45 C.F.R. §75.302 and 75.361-365 as well as the applicable Terms and Conditions published by HHS.

For more information, please contact Amanda L. Waesch at 330-253-9185 or

PPP Loan Forgiveness Application Details

As PPP loan recipients start to take stock of how they’ve used funds over the eight-week period, many businesses are eager to move ahead with the forgiveness portion of the program. How much of the loan will be forgiven is determined by the Small Business Administration (“SBA”), as provided in the CARES Act.[1] Over the weekend, the Department of Treasury released details on the forgiveness application, which can be found here.

CARES Act and Financial Institutions – Litigation Update

The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (“CARES Act”) and the Paycheck Protection Program (“PPP”) have allowed some businesses to remain operational during the COVID-19 pandemic. For these businesses, obtaining access to funds under these programs has proved vital.

A Potential Childcare Disruption for Rehired Employees

As businesses reopen, employers with fewer than 500 employees need to brush up on the FFCRA Paid Leave rules, including a potential disruption to your return to operations.

With Summer Vacation on the Way, Are Employees Still Entitled to Childcare Leave under EFMLEA?

Distance learning/homeschooling is finally starting to wrap-up for millions of students across America, a perhaps welcomed end for many, and summer vacation will soon begin. As summer vacation begins, your employees may have questions as to whether they qualify for child care leave under the expanded FMLA (“EFMLEA”), which many employees used over the last few months to receive partial compensation while they were away from work to care for their children. Now, employers with fewer than 500 employees must take note of additional guidance recently published concerning qualification for childcare leave.

Economic Impact Payment is Not Taxable Income

The IRS stated that the economic impact payments are not considered taxable income. Therefore, individuals will not owe tax on the amount of economic impact payment received.