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Fluresh Cannabis’ Bank Loan: Moving Into the Mainstream

Blog Post

The announcement by Fluresh, a vertically integrated Michigan based cannabis business, of the closing of loans from a federally insured commercial bank totaling almost $50 million represents an important landmark for both Fluresh and the cannabis industry writ large. For Fluresh, perhaps as important as the bottom-line benefits of lower cost financing, the fact that its operations and financials passed muster with a substantial commercial bank can be regarded as an important rite of passage. For the industry, it reflects its inexorable movement out of the shadows and into the mainstream. This substantiates the view that, whether or not any of pending the federal legislation is enacted, bank lending to the cannabis industry will continue to accelerate. 

While a number of mega banks are stubborn holdouts, and whether or not there is a formal change in bank law or regulation, this transaction is further evidence supporting the belief that more and larger banks are entering and will continue to enter the market. Each one that does both paves the way for and draws others in. 

Of equal, or perhaps greater significance to the industry than the direct impact on increased access and cheaper money on the operating results, are the intangible, “out of the shadows” implications of these trends in the ongoing process of propelling it “into the mainstream,” the potential significance of which likely extends far beyond banking.

For more information, please contact Stephen Lenn at or 602.796.9647.

Institutional Cannabis Lenders Community is Growing

BMD Attorney, Stephen Lenn, recently shared an update on the Institutional Cannabis Leaders Community that he is a part of.

Women's History Month Employee Spotlight | Abigail Peabody & Krista Warren

In honor of Women’s History Month, and as part of BMD’s ongoing diversity and inclusion efforts, we are featuring two of our female attorneys with an employee spotlight. Abigail Peabody and Krista Warren both handle a wide range of legal matters, construction law and litigation being shared areas of focus.

Inside M7 Holdings' Innovative Investment Strategies

Anthony S. Manna, Founder and Chairman of Brennan Manna Diamond LLC, M7 Holdings LLC and Signet LLC was recently interviewed on the Matt Brown Show as part of their "Private Placement Perspective" series. Anthony gave insight into the operations of M7 Holdings and the company's business family investment philosophy. Watch the full interview below!

Opening the Door to Quality Recovery Housing

From March 8–9th, Ohio Recovery Housing (ORH) — the oversight authority for ORH-certified recovery residences operating in the state of Ohio — hosted its 2023 Annual Conference, “Opening the Door to Quality Recovery Housing,” which boasted a room full of housing providers, delivered timely educational updates, and featured prominent speakers in the recovery housing space.

Spotting a Sham - What You Need to Know About MEB/BD Business Certification Processes

How to navigate the MWBE system, certify joint ventures, and avoid shams.