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El Contrato Escrito: La Herramienta Predilecta

Client Alert

No existe mejor herramienta a una disputa contractual que un documento firmado por las partes en el cual se expongan las obligaciones y acuerdos entre éstas.

Como regla general, los contratos orales son válidos a menos que una ley específica no los permita. Sin embargo, en práctica, un contrato oral es difícil de hacerlo cumplir y está lleno de un sinfín de circunstanciadas legales que complican la aplicabilidad de las supuestas obligaciones de las partes y restringe los remedios jurídicos que se puedan solicitar.

Si la persona o empresa con la cual se está haciendo una relación contractual no quiere poner lo que se acordó por escrito entonces hay que concluir que esta persona o empresa no tiene ningún interés o intención de cumplir con su aparte del acuerdo. Los contratos son como la póliza de seguros de carros, se tienen para quedar protegidos cuando suceda el incidente. Es importante que el contrato refleje todas las prestaciones, obligaciones y acuerdos entre las partes y exponga en blanco y negro las consecuencias de incumplir.

El contrato escrito es la herramienta predilecta para evitar largos litigios, costos legales excesivos y sirve como instrumento persuasivo a la parte que desea infringir la relación contractual a cumplir.

En BMD nos especializamos haciendo contratos. Contáctanos.

Legal Uncertainties Remain Following Passage of Issue 1 in Ohio

In the November 2023 General Election, Ohio voters passed Issue 1 which, among other things, “[e]stablish[es] in the Constitution of the State of Ohio an individual right to one’s own reproductive medical treatment, including but not limited to abortion”. Despite passage of Issue 1, questions persist about how its codification on December 7 affects previously passed legislation restricting abortion and related pending court cases.

NLRB Issues Final Rule on Joint-Employer Status

On October 26, 2023, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) issued its final rule on determining joint-employer status, departing from its prior 2020 standard. The final rule provides that two or more entities may be considered “joint employers” if each entity has an employment relationship with employees and if the entities share or codetermine one or more employees’ essential terms and conditions of employment. The final rule goes into effect on December 26, 2023, and will only be applied to cases filed after the effective date.

WEBINAR SERIES RECAP | Employment & Labor

BMD Partner and Co-Chair of the Employment & Labor Law Group, Bryan Meek, presented this four-part webinar series on trending topics in employment law.

Ohio Legalizes Recreational Marijuana; What’s Next for Ohio Employers?

Recent Changes to the No Surprises Act’s Federal IDR Process

Proposed changes to the No Surprises Act’s independent dispute resolution (IDR) process were recently issued by the Department of Health and Human Services, Department of Labor, Department of Treasury, and the Office of Personnel Management. The October 27, 2023, proposed rule overhauls the current Federal IDR process in an effort to create efficiencies and reduce delays relating to eligibility determinations and address feedback from interested parties and certified IDR entities.