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BREAKING: Biden Administration Has Officially Ended the Two Remaining COVID Vaccine Mandates

Client Alert

As of May 1, 2023, the Biden Administration has officially ended the two remaining COVID vaccine mandates: (1) the Federal Contractor Mandate, and (2) the CMS Healthcare Provider Vaccine Mandate.

The Contractor mandate, which was never actually enforced, will end on May 11, 2023, coinciding with the formal end of the COVID public health emergency. The CMS mandate will take a bit more time to formally end as it will require official rule making. However, we do not expect enforcement in the interim.

Many of our healthcare clients have these vaccine mandates still in place as a result of the CMS requirement. Therefore, you will need to consider whether you will keep such policies in place moving forward.

BMD’s Labor and Employment and Healthcare teams are here to answer any questions employers may have about compliance with vaccine mandates. If you have any questions about this topic or wish to discuss, please contact Bryan Meek at 

Ohio Breach of Contract Statute of Limitations Shortened to 6 Years

On March 16, 2021, Governor DeWine signed into law S.B. 13 which shortens Ohio’s statute of limitations for filing lawsuits based on breach of contract. A statute of limitation is the time period within which a party must file a lawsuit before its claim expires as a matter of law.

Chinese Product Tariff Challenge Causes Flurry of Importer Lawsuits

A lawsuit filed late in 2020 at the U.S. Court of International Trade (“CIT”) challenging the U.S. Trade Representative’s (USTR) implementation of Section 301 “List 3” and “List 4” duties on products from China, HMTX Industries LLC et al. v. United States (Court No. 20-00177), has resulted in the filing of thousands of additional lawsuits brought by other affected importers. There are now 3,700+ companies added to the list, including Ford, Home Depot, Target, Tesla, and Walgreens, along with many other smaller importers.

America’s New COVID-19 Relief Package — Unpacked

On March 11, 2021, President Biden signed the highly anticipated American Rescue Plan Act (the “Act”) into law, a $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief bill aimed at addressing and resolving many of the lingering questions and concerns following the expiration of the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (“FFCRA”) on December 31, 2020.

Vaccinating Against Design and Construction Risk: A COGENCE Alliance Momentum Recap

Last month, COGENCE Alliance hosted a four-day conference, attended by owners, affiliates, construction managers, trades, engineers, and architects. David Scott presented and other BMD team members hosted breakout discussions on how to “vaccinate against design and construction risk.” Groups discussed new and developing risks, how to mitigate those risks, and qualities of those who best adjusted to the new and developing risks.

Healthcare Provisions of the American Rescue Plan

On March 11, 2021, President Joe Biden signed into law H.R. 1319, the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (the “ARP”). In addition to the widely reported additional stimulus paychecks, the ARP includes many provisions related to the healthcare industry and marketplace that seek to improve access and affordability. The major provisions of the ARP that affect the healthcare sector are summarized below: