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HIPAA and Cybersecurity 10 Steps You Should Take Now To Protect Your Organization

Kate Hickner sits down with Andy Jones, Brandon Pauley, and Kyle Johnson to discuss recent developments in cybersecurity and today's threat environment. Kate shares with us the HIPAA privacy tips, Andy Jones discusses the security considerations from an expert, Brandon Pauley shares with us incident response from a legal perspective, and Kyle Johnson shares with us, post-incident litigation. Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel to learn more!

In Cybersecurity– A Good Offense is the Best Defense

2021 has been a watershed moment for cybersecurity incidents as cybercrime has become a frequent headline and cyber criminals have thrived on unsuspecting and/or unprepared businesses and institutions. For example, the Solar Winds attack exposed sensitive data from top companies like Microsoft as well government agencies[1] and the Colonial Pipeline attack substantially disrupted the petroleum supply chain[2]. We have seen an almost 20% increase in data breaches and attacks since last year.

Is Insurance Available for Coronavirus Losses?

The shutdown of non-essential businesses in Ohio and other states, as well as the economic impacts caused by the coronavirus, are forcing businesses to evaluate all options to keep their doors open and their staff employed. Many businesses are asking whether their insurance policies provide for the recovery of lost business income and expenses due to the coronavirus.