Intellectual Property & Tech


In today's business environment, a company is often defined in the marketplace by its success in procuring, managing and enforcing its intellectual property portfolio.  Our goal at BMD is to work closely with our clients to develop comprehensive solutions and offer a forward looking approach to those complicated intellectual property issues that companies - our clients - face at all stages of growth. BMD's intellectual property attorneys provide our clients efficient, cost-effective counsel to help our clients achieve their corporate goals and objectives, maximize protection of their intellectual property assets and avoid costly infringement claims.    

BMD's attorneys identify, capture and safeguard valuable intellectual-property (IP) assets in all forms through IP audits, registrations, licensing arrangements and enforcement measures.  We also handle domain disputes, as well as web-related agreements. Our clients benefit from our interdisciplinary approach to matters, which combine extensive legal and technical experience with strong corporate and litigation resources that BMD has to offer. 

BMD represents a full range of IP clients, from technology companies, universities and arts/entertainment businesses to authors and publishers.

Areas of service include:

  • Trademark procurement, registration, licensing and enforcement
  • Copyright procurement, registration, licensing and enforcement
  • IP audits
  • Patent procurement, drafting, prosecution, licensing and enforcement
  • Right-to-use opinions
  • Trade-secrets procurement and protection
  • Technology agreements
  • Development and manufacturing agreements
  • Marketing, distribution and agency agreements
  • Domain name and web issues
  • Web and e-commerce agreements
  • Arts-and-entertainment agreements
  • Publishing agreements
  • Data Privacy
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